Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sport Vs. Activity

                There is really no way to define what a sport is. The distinction between what a sport is and what an activity is impossible to pin down. To qualify as a sport you need an organized event with more than one participant whereas an activity is just something done for physical wellness or enjoyment.
                Many different games can be considered a sport; the biggest being football, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, and track. All of these events have a team that works hard and trains together to prepare for an organized season. There is structure and organization along with a high level of competitiveness. Sports have rules and referees and are usually taken pretty seriously at all levels. Most people play sports for enjoyment, to make friends, learn how to work hard to achieve a goal, and for exercise. It helps to teach kids how to be a part of a team and work together with other individuals. Sports are also a business; aside from the players and parents, there is another side. That’s the people who run them and organize the events and the people who make the money. They see sports as a business; a way to make money, whereas all the parents and players use it for a good time. Sports are much more organized compared to an activity. They are usually taken a lot more seriously and get really competitive. However, they are great events and a lot of fun to be a part of. They are a huge business and a great way for kids to learn important life interactions.
                An activity is a lot less serious than a sport is, but still used as a way to gain physical wellness. An activity is something like yoga or fishing, where you can do it on your own. There is no team, no rules, no structure, and a lot of freedom. You can do it how you want to and there really isn’t anyone to tell you how you should do it. Activities are usually done for physical wellness or enjoyment, too, but at a less competitive level. Lots of different people can do an activity, ranging from all ages. A sport is usually limited to younger people that are physically capable of more wear and tear. When you’re 75 you can still participate in a yoga class but you certainly can’t get out on a football field and play ball. Activities appeal to a much broader audience and are a lot easier to become a part of. There is no offseason and no training before you begin to participate. Without the worries of a coach, a team, or rules, they are easy to get into and become hooked on.

                A sport and an activity are very similar but do indeed have their differences. Sports are competitions. They are played by people who like to compete and work hard. Usually the players must train in advanced to work together for a season-long sport. Activities are for people who maybe don’t want all the training and competition, but just want an activity on the side; something easy that they enjoy, but isn’t too challenging or time consuming. They are both done for similar reasons such as exercise, enjoyment, and a way to be involved with other people. 

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